Thank you to all participants and session leaders for making the conference a massive success!
If you would like access to the videos and presentations by email us. CLICK HERE for the PDF schedule
Included in the session descriptions below is the contact information for all of the session leaders.
Michael Anderson
Mindfulness in Sports and Activities: Harnessing the Whole Mind & Body
How can mindfulness benefit students in sports and physical performance? We will explore how cultivating mindful awareness of the whole body-mind system can lead to stronger performance and help student athletes connect with a natural sense of “flow” in their sports and in their lives.
Freddie Badillo
How can we handle a decrease in enrollment next year?
As we look to the next year many of us may have a drastic drop in enrollment. What ideas or strategies do we have if this happens?
Molly Berwager
Supporting Athletes with Learning Differences
Do you have a student athlete that just doesn't seem to "get it" no matter how many times you have taught a skill? Are there learning challenges that factor into this? Learn strategies for recognizing, supporting, and coaching our students who struggle academically and/or emotionally. How do we best transition a learning plan from the classroom on to the field? Spoiler alert! It takes communication with all stakeholders.
Kirby Boychuk
How Do You Promote Your Schools' Sports Programs
Share ideas and concepts of what you have done at your school to increase spirit and culture at your school
Focus on physical improvements, program enhancements, getting coach/admin/athlete buy in
Roxanne Chao & Sara Kullnigg
Sara KullniggCurrently at Boston UniversityFormer International School Student
What We Wish Our Coaches Knew Now
Two former student athletes discussing the ups and downs with balancing the full IB and high school sports.
James Cochran
What's your team/program DNA?
In a world and society that often places winning and individual accolades above the team, how do you reward or recognize what you want out of your team and programme? How do you develop your team and programme DNA? A conversation on research and literature based techniques to bring your team and programme values and DNA to life.
Annie Constantinides
Student-Athlete Leadership: The role of an Athletic Council
How is it selected? Criteria, Roles, Benefits and more.
Preparing Athletes for American Universities
How we can best prepare international student-athletes that want to go to American universities to continue competing athletically.
Mick Cooper
Student Athlete post season surveys
How do you evaluate the season with student athletes, coaches, and your office so that it is a)effective and b)timely? Do you survey, do you have face time meetings? Do you just move onto the next season with a quick chat? Do you make time for this with specific teams only? Does HR help? Or , is this something that is desired but not common practice in our schools? How do the bigger schools receive this feedback with so many more teams?
If you use an external company to evaluate teams/coaches how does that work and what does it cost?
These are just some of the questions that will be tabled around this topic of student and coach feedback?
If time-are external coaches evaluated differently than faculty coaches? How are external coaches hired initially?
Jason Culler
When’s it’s Necessary to release a coach
Tips and ideas for you to deal with the uncomfortable situation when you have to let a coach go.
Transgender Athletic Inclusion Policies
Best practices as you look to be absolutely inclusive in your policies regarding transgenders athletes.
Mike Ellson
How to improve in your role as an Effective Communicator
This workshop will focus on the opportunities we have as athletic administrators to tell our stories specifically to parents and school communities. Taking inventory of where we are today with regards to social media practices will also be a primary focus of this presentation.
Mentoring Coaches for Personal Growth: The Athletic Administrator sets the tone regarding their coaching staff's understanding of what it means to be a Transformational Coach, and we will discuss four essential questions for each leader to consider. We will also discuss/share resources that can help build a positive team culture.
Matt Fleming
NIAAA Introduction & FAQ
This will give an introduction to the NIAAA organization, explain the details of certification levels, PD opportunities and how you can get involved.
Gil Grant
Organizing a Program with a NO-CUT Policy
How could a program looking like that has an official no cut policy?
Parent / Athlete expectations & Managing Numbers.
Andy Harrison
A Practical Approach to Meeting the Challenge of Leadership
From team captain to school director this approach ensures a clear path to task success and improved morale. Whether the challenge is personal or public, simple or complex, macro or micro, this approach helps.
Anthony Hennelly
Sharing Successes and Challenges of Student Leadership Programs
How do schools encourage the development of leadership skills?
Are schools delivering specific curriculum to support this or just ad hoc projects?
Are projects programmes led by PHE/Sports dept staff or a wider delivery group and how do people fit it into an already packed schedule?
How are our sports/athletic departments set up to support student leadership?
How do people deal with the challenge of transferring responsibility to students and allowing them to make mistakes whilst retaining a safe environment?
Dave Horner
Coaching Coaches to be Educational Leaders
This seminar will examine the training, preparation and guiding of coaches as an ongoing role and responsibility of an Athletic Director. This seminar will provide some strategies and tools to deal with the constant turnover and training of coaches in international schools.
Writing a Whole Program Handbook
This round table will be an opportunity to share the key components of an Athletic/Activity Handbook. Participants in this course should be prepared to share segments of their handbooks and engage in discussion regarding policies and procedures that they feel work at their school.
Mark Hull, 3D
Creating the Right Mindset
Have you ever said things like: “He’s just gifted,” or “She’s a natural born leader,” or “You’re so smart”? We mean well when we say these things AND people like to hear them. However the research of Dr. Carol Dweck shows quite clearly how harmful these statements can be. We will look at the two basic mindsets that Dr. Dweck has identified and see how powerful each of these mindsets can be as they apply to sport and to school.
Jo Ito
Mitigating Conflict in Interscholastic Sports
Athletic Administrators interact with numerous people on a daily basis. While most relationships are positive and productive, conflicts with coaches, parents, or other community members are also part of the job. This seminar is designed to help participants identify different types of conflict, and to provide tips for conflict prevention and resolution.
Shawn Jeffrey
Hiring Coaches - Staff vs Non Staff
Benefits of faculty/staff vs off-campus coaches. Vetting processes and how all of this impacts program development and success.
Lynn Kachmarik
Equilibria In Sports Introduction
Equilibria in Sports works with teams, athletes, coaches, and sports administrators worldwide to enhance team culture and performance, as well as strengthen team dynamics. They do this by helping all key stakeholders understand, embrace and leverage their unique personal strengths and potential limiters to improve individual and team performance and effectiveness.
Empathy, Vulnerability, Gratitude and the Impact of Stress During this Global Pandemic
The conference opening session that can help all of us during this tying time.
Doug Killgore
How to improve in your role as an Effective Communicator
This workshop will focus on the opportunities we have as athletic administrators to tell our stories specifically to parents and school communities. Taking inventory of where we are today with regards to social media practices will also be a primary focus of this presentation.
Servant Leadership - It's Not About Me
To be educators of significance, the best example we can give students and staff is a life of service.
There is 'No I in TEAM' but, there is a me. The life of a servant has neither.
Gordon MacLelland
Foundations for Building a Parental Engagement Programme
Including: What is parental engagement? Where parents are today? The importance of organisational alignment. Quality communication and the role of coaches in the process.
Jared Maisel
Youth Sports Specialization & Injuries
Outside pressure from parents and sports clubs on talented athletes tend to force focus on a single sport. However, early sport specialization has been found to increase risk of injury and mental health issues in children. This session will discuss the detriments of specializing in a single sport/position and feature a group discussion on administrative practices to encourage multi-sport participation.
Concussion Management
Head injuries pose a serious danger to young athletes, as well as the host organization, if they're managed incorrectly. Children are at risk for developing long-term cognitive, neurological and even sudden death from inappropriate treatment. This session will provide basic concussion information, policy and educational resources and a group discussion on strategies.
Jim Matter
Developing and Delivering Virtual Activities
Participants should be prepared to exchange resources and ideas and discuss those that are working or not working. 5 questions for discussion 1.Re-defining the role of the Activity Coordinator- what can you do? 2 Connecting kids with your program 3 Useful resources and links to share 4.Developing your AOLLA ( After On-Line Learning Activities ) Programs 5.Being and Maintaining a presence in your on-line school community
Will Moncrief
PD Opportunities for Coaches
A round table to talk about how we can best service our coaches. Online, Conferences and/or In-house
John Powell
Team Building
We all have a goal of generating a little more camaraderie within the teams and limit bullying. I started this project at ASF Mexico City this year and will recap its successes and explain thoroughly the benefits or starting a similar project.
Owen Reid
Beyond the Ballplayer: The Power of Accountability
Imagine a group of players who own their development and take responsibility for their actions, and the impact of that on the team culture. Empowered individuals, supreme discipline and unrivalled camaraderie. That is the Power of Accountability!
Discover why it's essential to coach beyond the ballplayer and establish standards congruent with your values. Full of energy and unique first-hand experiences, Owen shares his strategy for bringing this vision to life around the world!
Sherri Spelic
Strengthening our Reflective Practice as Coaches and Teachers
As educator-coaches our approach to working with athletes includes much more than sport skill building. In this session we'll use a structured dialogue format for participants to reflect on the strengths they bring to the coaching enterprise and also on their gains from engaging with young athletes. Coaches will leave with reflection tools to share with colleagues and students as well as fresh perspectives on their own coaching why.
Laurie Tasharski ICMEC
Introduction to Child Protection in Sport
Join us for a discussion of the risks and vulnerabilities for children and adults involved in sport. This webinar will support your professional efforts to prevent all forms of abuse in sports. You will learn steps to prevent abuse, identify resources in support of training staff and guidance on policies and procedures supported by accreditation agencies and child protection experts.
Devon Teeple
Exploring Health & Wellness & How that Correlates to Performance & Behaviours
A look at how health and wellness correlates to performance and behaviours and also a look inside IGNITE Change, a non-profit community organization tailored to playing baseball the right way and integrating components of leadership, attitude, and behaviors into life lessons.
Joe Toler
Best Practices for End of Year Events.
Strategies to run the best graduation, sports banquet, and end of year awards in our current climate.
Keeping People engaged in the online learning and activities during this challenging time.
An open discussion on positive strategies, some difficulties, and various ways that students/athletes/teams remain engaged with various virtual learning and alternative activities.