The National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA) is a US based non profit organization that champions the profession of administering athletic programs around the world. No other body values, promotes, preserves, supports and stands ready to uplift the cause of the athletic administrator, as does the NIAAA. Providing education, leadership and service platforms allows the NIAAA to best help colleagues network, choose from resources, draw from practices and give back to your profession while advancing in one’s career.
With its roots dating back in the US to 1976 the NIAAA now serves ADs all around the world and offers courses specifically for international school ADs or those wanting to be. They also offer a separate international certification that is accredited by COGNIA. Please visit the official NIAAA website for more information;
With its roots dating back in the US to 1976 the NIAAA now serves ADs all around the world and offers courses specifically for international school ADs or those wanting to be. They also offer a separate international certification that is accredited by COGNIA. Please visit the official NIAAA website for more information;
The Globetrottin 'AD / NIAAA connection is strong and started well before the 2019 NIAAA National Conference in National Harbor Maryland where Nick and Matt recorded their first podcast episode.
In 2023 the NIAAA agreed to install regaional coordindators. The coordinators aid in the spread of the NIAAA around the world and to give Athletics Directors in their regionals a direct and local contact personal.
Please contract your local coordinator with any questions you may have about the NIAAA or anyting international AD related.
Nick DeForest -
Jim Matter -
David Goetz -
Middle East
Mark Buschini -
Southeast Asia
China/Japan - Todd Parham
Southeast - Chris Mott
Central/South America
Central - Juan Santamaria
South - Claudia Araya
THE NIAAA has two level of international certifcation that can be obtained by taking some of the international course and a few other requriments. Please visit their certification page for step by step details to certification;
Please see below the decryptions of the international courses. The first 4 courses are available online with full details available here;
Please see below the decryptions of the international courses. The first 4 courses are available online with full details available here;
Course Descriptions
LTC 901 Athletic Administration: Guiding Foundations and Philosophies for International School Athletic Programs
This course serves as an overview for international interscholastic athletic administration and the importance of such programs in these school settings. This course introduces the philosophy of educational athletics, and then focuses on the roles, tasks, and purpose of the athletic administrator in an international school. Enrollees who will derive greatest benefit: current International School Athletic Administrators and those planning to move into an International School Athletic Administrator position. Required for RIAA.
LTC 902 Athletic Administration: Strategies for Organizational Management in International School Athletic Programs
This course takes a basic approach to the fundamentals and methods of athletic administration. The course alerts and educates athletic administrators on potential problems, as well as possible solutions in areas such as organization, budgets, scheduling, logistics, parent/student/coach conflicts, and communications. The course also touches upon sample athletic/activity department organizational charts, activity procedures/checklist, public relations, and emergency plans. Enrollees who will derive greatest benefit: inexperienced athletic administrators seeking to define and improve their operational procedures. Required for RIAA.
LTC 903 Athletic Administration: Enhancing Organization Management and Effectiveness in International School Athletic Programs
This course is aimed at assisting athletic directors to set the tone for their program. Origins of athletic administration are addressed in addition to codes of ethics. The concept of “educational athletics” is discussed and refined. The role of the athletic administrator and the importance of having a school philosophy are addressed and workshop participants have the opportunity to interact with others to refine their own philosophies. Issues relating to the roles of athletic administrators, coaches, and philosophical applications are covered in depth.
LTC 904 Athletic Administration: Child Protection Overview for the International School Athletic Administrator
This course covers liability for sports injuries, negligence, and risk management practices for athletic administrators. Best practice concepts will be introduced for athletic administrators, coaches, athletic trainers, and other athletic personnel through the use of case scenarios and guided discussion. Appropriate risk management strategies and documentation procedures for athletic administrators will be identified. Real-life scenarios and defining the duties and standards of care that schools require for child protection will be addressed.
LTC 910 Athletic Administration: Current Issues in the International Education-Based Athletic Community
Topics: 1) Finding/Retaining/Educating Coaches; 2) Inclusion vs Competition - How Can Both Exist?; 3) Home Stay vs Hotel Stay; 4) Dealing with Parents; 5) Dealing with Unexpected Events; 6) Managing Increased Workload Expectations. Instructors will present important issues and effective response strategies for 3 contemporary topics within the International Athletic Community and Programs (selected from the 6 available for LTC 910). The instructional format of this course will consist of brief presentations, group interactions and sharing of ideas. Participants will play an active role as these issues are debated and explored. Enrollees who will derive greatest benefit: International Athletic Administrators seeking insight and possible solutions relative to current issues in international athletic programs.